Take a Chill Pill!

Back to school, back to stress, back to di-stress and all the other non-pleasant-ness that comes with added responsibilities, pressures and so forth. 


I am one hundred percent with you, my readers. You’re feeling like the summer breeze is gone, humidity is at an all-time high and your inner surfer dude is exclaiming  “Duuuuude, brah, this school stuff is overwhelmin’, man. What happened to those chillin’ days? When life was chill, man?” Yet again, I understand you, and we both have our quirky inner surfer dude’s frustrated dialogue. On top of that, our to-do lists look something along the lines of Martin Luther’s 95 theses, our hair has lost its summer glisten and our eye bags are begging us for mercy (staying up too late studying, eh?) and for sleep. Remember sleep?

This is my confession…it’s now or never (I ain’t gonna live forever), I have almost gone crazy from being overwhelmed…already…in my third week of class. Holy cow! I’ve added a handful of goodies to my plate of priorities and I just had enough of that this past week. When I felt my eyebrows furrow in almost-permanent worry, I knew I had to do something, anything, to stop the steam-cooker of stress.

This is what I did. I recognized that immense self-pressure wasn’t productive, but counter productive, and that sometimes you have to throw you to-do’s to the side to give yourself a break. Did you hear that? Give yourself a break. Take at least one to two hours a day to decompress and re-energize in the following ways:


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Take a chill pill, folks…and that’s coming from this non-stop go-getter-achiever gal.
Oh yes, and check out my latest Netflix fix!

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